How to Market a New Product in the Digital Age

How to Market a New Product in the Digital Age

Jun 7th 2018

What does a new product need most to be successful you might ask? You may have done everything else required for your new product introduction up to this point. You may have come up with a marketable product, tested it, and had it manufactured, so what's next?

Selling it to your target market.

No matter how well you know your target market they can't buy a product they don't know exists. Of course you know they are out there but how do you let them know your new product exists in the online digital age? 

It's called publicity. Publicity is defined as "extensive mention", "public notice" and "means of communication". Blogging and publicity go hand-in-hand. 

To blog or not to blog, that is the question?

If you were a journalist, blogging would be called "in depth reporting."

Blogging about your products-

  1. Gives your product the publicity required to let your target market know you are out there because it engages your potential customers in depth. You are not limited to short but expensive commercials.
  2. It is a cost effective way of promoting your product in a continuous publicity campaign. Blogging can be done daily, weekly, monthly or whenever you have something of value to communicate to your target audience.
  3. Blogging also gives you feedback which allows you to refine your new product campaign and message.          

For products like Balloon Flowers ( blogging is essential in order to get new product awareness in the digital age.